Thursday, February 3, 2011

Project for 2/3 Due 2/10 (You will share out to class)

Project for 2/3 Due 2/10 (You will share out to class)
Your mission: Create a project via technology that demonstrates that you understand the following California Standard. You can do anything you want, as long as it shows great effort, utilizes your strengths, and shows you know/understand the following concepts. Use the internet as your resource finder. Make sure you cite any websites you used.

California Standard 4:
All students will be able to explain the challenges facing the new nation and its leaders in the first quarter century of the Republic under the Constitution:

* What problems did Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison have as presidents? How did they fix those problems through policies they made?

* Understand the Louisiana Purchase and how Napoleon and Jefferson were involved.
* What were the goals and achievements of Lewis and Clark?
* Understand the Northwest Ordinance and how it relates to education.
* Examine the writings of Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper. How did the writers depict typical American life?