Thursday, November 4, 2010

Warm-up 11/4

Good Morning!

Please answer the following questions in the post.

1. Using, explain Montesquieu's idea of government and how that affected the U.S. government.

2. Read the first paragraph under The Law of Nature section on Tell me John Locke's view of human nature. Why is this important in forming the Constitution?


  1. 1.)Montesquieu believed that all things were made up of rules or laws that never changed.There were three types of government: a monarchy (ruled by a king or queen), a republic (ruled by an elected leader), and a despotism (ruled by a dictator).He did not feel that all people were equal.

  2. 1.His idea of government was to have equally separate powers in government. Which we use today.

    2.He thought that humans had rights to life, liberty and property. The Constitution uses the same philosophy.

  3. 1: Montesquieu wanted a balanced three branched government. Today we have three branches in our government: judicial, legislative and executive.

    2: Locke believed everyone had the right to life, liberty and property. This is the base of our constitution.

  4. 1.His idea of government was to have equally separate powers in government.

    2.He thought that humans had rights to life, liberty and property. The Constitution uses the same philosophy.

  5. 1. He called his idea of dividing government power into three branches the "separation of powers." His ideas about separation of powers became the basis for the United States Constitution.

    2. Locke said that we have natural rights and in the constitution we have personal freedom and we have to the right to say that its not fair and not right.

  6. 1.He wrote a book called "The Spirit of Laws". He said that an elected government was the best form of government. We still use this idea today. He supported the idea of the separation of powers and the three branches of government which we still follow today with the legislature,executive,and judicial.

    2.John Locke's view of nature was that men are equal and free by nature. Also, God made everyone a subject to monarch naturally. This effects the constitution because he believed that people had the rights of life, liberty, and property.

    -Marissa,Sheridan,& Sequoia!!!

  7. 1. He argued that the best government would be one in which powers was balanced between three groups of officials. Montesquieu thought it important that each branch of the government have equal but different powers.

    2. Locke said that we have natural rights and in the constitution, we have personal freedom and we have the rights to our freedom.

  8. Montesquieu's idea of government was very similar to the United States current government, in which there is a three tier system. His idea was originally based on Britain's system of government, Parliament, the judges of the English court, and the king. I believe this affected the America government because they tried to copy Britain's government. America's three tier system is the Judicial branch, the executive branch and the Legislative branch.

    -Andy, Arya, and Trevor K

  9. 2.)The natural law concept existed long before Locke as a way of expressing the idea that there were certain moral truths that applied to all people. The most important early contrast was between laws that were by nature, and those that were conventional and operated only in those places where the particular convention had been established. It gave us our freedom.

  10. 1. He thought that a government that was elected by people was the best type of government. He also thought that the success of a democracy would mean that everyone would have to have the right amount of power.

    2. he showed the idea that there were certain moral truths that applied to all people, regardless of the certain place. It was important in forming the constitution because it gave us our freedom.
    (by Courtney and Leslie) :D

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  12. He thought every thing had a set of rules that couldn't be changed. He theorized that there was three branches of government; monarchy, a republic, and a despotism. Montesquieu believed the best government was a government elected by the people. He also believed that democracy could only be successful if the right balance of power was achieved. Our government took his idea of separation of powers and used it to our advantage. We created our own groups but used his idea of separation of powers so that not one group had too much power.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. 1) Baron De Montesquieu believed in a balanced government. He believed in democracy, a government ruled by the people. He came up with the three branches of government, the king (enforced laws),Parliament (made laws), and judges(interpreters of laws)

    2) Locke believed that natural law was a human moral code every one should follow. That others laws were a convenience to the people who make them.

  15. 1.Baron de montesquieu was a man who believed in separation of powers. He believed in something similar to our government today. He believed in three different groups of equal power that governed different parts of the government.

    2.John Locke believed in natural rights and laws. It existed way before John Locke. He believed that were certain truths that applied to all people. He believed everyone had a right to life, liberty, and property.

  16. Locke pretty much stated that all humans were born equal.He also believed in separation of powers, which is the current US government.
    -Andy, Arya, Trevor K

  17. 1.Montesquieu's idea of government was three branches. The idea of three branches was good because it didn't give to much power to the the highest rank and the laws needed to be approved by all three branches. This is how we run our government today.

  18. 1) Montesquieu believed in branches of government. We have three today, legislative, executive, and judicial. He also believed in an elected representative government. He wanted balanced power.
    2) Locke thought that everybody had the right to life, liberty and property. This is in our constitution today. He also believed in Natural Rights.
    -Haley & Kelsey :))

  19. 1) He believed that all things were made up of laws that never changed. He hoped that the laws of government would reduce the problems and improve human life. Montesquieu argued that the best government would be one in which power was balanced among three groups of officials, called the separation of powers. His ideas became the basis for the United States Constitution.
    2) He defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims. He argued that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society.
    This is the basis of the Constitution because it applies to all of the rules and laws of society.

  20. 1. His idea of government was to have equally separate powers. He believed that all people were not equal and that the government elected by the people was the best.

    2. Locke said that there were certain rights to the constitution, and that all humans have natural rights that they're born with. He also believed that all humans are equal.


  21. Warm-Up by Bri & Holly (:
    2.) John Locke said that we have natural rights and that there were certain truths applied to all people. He also said in the Constitution that we have the right to our freedom.

  22. 2. He thought that certain moral truths were applied to all people regardless of their race, place, or agreements. It was very important because this idea gave us our freedom.

  23. 1) De Secondat was a lawyer in the local government. His ideas of government opposed democracy because he didn't think that all people were equal. He approved of England's government which was separated into three powers; the king, Parliament,and the English court judges.
    2) While writing the constitution, they considered using natural laws. Natural laws said that everyone was equal.

  24. 1.) Some of MONTESQUIEU's beliefs were that everything is made up of laws/rules that never changed, and that a government elected by the people was the best type of government. He approved of slavery, and believed that not all people are equal. He also created the idea of creating separate but equal branches.

    2.)Locke believed that everyone is equal and has rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property.

  25. 1. Montesquieu's ideas on laws was that democracy was a good government only if it is governed by 3 government officials. He believed that there was three governments: monarchy, republic, and despotism.

    2. Locke's ideas were that he believed in natural laws and natural rights. This relates to the constitution because the constitution believes in the same as Locke. One of the first laws is freedom of speech and that you can worship whatever god you wish to. These are exaples of natural laws/rights.

  26. Question 1. Montesquieu's idea of government: Montesquieu thought that the government should be balenced between 3 different powers: a monarchy, a republic,and a despotism. He also thought that the gentle tendencies of women would make them capable of handling important decisions in the government. How his ideas affected the government: Montesquieu's ideas helped create a new government that used the separation of powers to our own good.

    Question 2. John Locke's view of human nature: Locke thought that men are born free and equal against claims that God to all people naturally subject to a monarch. He also had faith that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property. Locke also believed in majority ruling and separation of powers. Locke also thought that we should have freedom of religion and that churches should not have control of their members.

    Why is this important in forming the Constitution?: This was important in forming the Constitution because Locke's view of human nature was mostly about people's rights that came with being a human being, and the Constitution, in simplest terms, is the colonists' rights.

    ~ Carliee:)

  27. John Locke believed in natural law. Natural Law is a law that you should already have like religion. This is what America has today.

  28. 1. Montesquieu believed all things were rules of laws. He thought there were three kinds of government: a monarchy, a republic, and a despotism. He believed the best government was one elected by the people though, but the power had to be balanced. He believed that a good government should be divided into three sections. This was the idea of the Separation of Powers, which we still use in the U.S. today. He believed the three sections should limit the power of the other. Our government is a democracy, so the people generally control the government. Also we use the Separation of Powers, our three branches being the Executive, Legislature and Judicial.
    2.John Locke believed that all men were created equal, they all have the rights to life, liberty, and property. He believed all men were naturally free. All of these things are said in our
    Constitution. The most famous being all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which is just like what John Locke said. All of what he believed is pretty much in our Constitution.
