Scott Harris
Imagine doing the thing you enjoy most, then spazzing out on the floor, not able to breathe, and having possible brain damage. Now that doesn’t sound quite so fun. We currently have no idea what causes epilepsy, but, if we just promote neurosurgery and not watch tv so much, we can cure and avoid epilepsy. New discoveries are made every day, and nothing is incurable.
200,000 new cases of epilepsy are diagnosed every year. A story of a seizure/ epilepsy caused by gaming too much was of 14-year-old Amy Kopaska, who was having a five hour gaming marathon (playing long hours of video games) that was suddenly cut short by her shortness of breath and her arms and legs convulsing. "I rolled her over. Her eyes were dilated. She was foaming at the mouth, gasping for air. Just breathing very hard," ( her mother said after the spasm. But, I don’t think the game, or the game company should be blamed, she was over-using the product. Almost like a drug overdose. “(Her mother) Janell Hanson woke up early Sunday and heard an awful noise from her daughter's room. She found her daughter thrashing on her bed.” ( Mrs. Hanson was obviously disturbed by this happening. Even though it is rare happening for it to be caused by gaming, we still have to warn users. This problem can be solved almost completely and easily.
If you just limit gaming and keep it down below 1-2 hours, seizures will not occur in people that normally will not have seizures, but even that will be pushing the limit. “According to research, the average American 4th-grade boy spends 9.5 hours each week playing video and computer games — in addition to other screen time,” ( Douglas Gentile, developmental psychologist. The solution listed would make the child have only 7 hours of gaming a week. Drastically lower than before. “The goal is to understand the mechanisms of epilepsy, which are not known, and create better treatments for this terrible disorder.”( -Dr. Brian Ross. This obviously shows that even today, where we are much further advanced then Dr. Ross’ day, we still don’t quite get this disorder. But, according to today’s science, it can be caused by gaming. Some people may argue that people shouldn’t be gaming at all, or for only a half an hour in a sitting, and an hour a day will still cause seizures in children. However, true it will cause seizures in children, but it isn’t the game causing it, it is their genetics, mental situation etc. Now, if you say “That doesn’t cure epilepsy, it just prevents it, blah blah blah” you are right, but prevention reduces the need of a cure anyways. However, the need for a cure is present.
Currently, there is no cure for epilepsy, so if we put more money into research (state grant possibly?) we could definitely come up with a cure. Professor Pavlof in Moscow argues that even that isn’t true. “If this works with humans, Pavlof has a cure for epilepsy,”( Pavlof’s assistant says to a panel of physicians on if their cure works. Ok, so say we take Pavlof’s cure and after the extensive testing on animals required by the U.S. Government, we teach it to some doctors. Then, Viola! Problem solved! Some may argue that neurosurgery (which is needed for the treatment) is dangerous and risky at best. “If you act like you know what your doing, you can do anything you want- except neurosurgery.”(think -Sharon Stone, actress. I do agree to a point, even though the quote is from someone who has no idea about the subject, but true, danger does exist when you get surgery on the thing that controls just about everything you do. But, that’s what lawyers are for! Insurance! I think that the point of getting the surgery is like plastic surgery, to be better than ok. So, due to the fact that it actually cures epilepsy, that is the best and most efficient solution.
In reflection, neurosurgery and limiting gaming can cure and prevent epilepsy and seizures. For those who cannot be cured by meds, or even kept under control, getting neurosurgery would be the right choice for them. It is the best because it actually cures epilepsy, not just prevents it. So, please, if you can, prevent epilepsy by not over gaming, and you wont have to get harsh brain surgery.
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